Hydropower Nepal

The Role of Government Policies and Risk Management in Harnessing the Potential of Hydropower in Nepal: An Academic Researcher's Perspective

As an academic researcher focusing on energy and sustainable development, I have been studying the potential of hydropower in Nepal and the critical role that government policies and risk management play in realizing this potential. Nepal has long been known for its abundant water resources, making it one of the most suitable countries for hydropower development. However, several challenges need to be addressed to harness this potential effectively.

Potential of Hydropower in Nepal

Nepal has an estimated hydropower potential of around 83,000 megawatts (MW), which is significantly higher than its current installed capacity of approximately 1,100 MW. With only about 40% of its population having access to electricity, there is a clear need to unlock this potential to meet the growing energy demand in the country and promote economic development.

Government Policies in Nepali Hydropower

The Nepali government has taken several steps to promote hydropower development, including offering various incentives such as tax holidays, concessional loans, and power purchase agreements. However, there are still regulatory barriers and bureaucratic hurdles that hinder the efficient development of hydropower projects. These need to be addressed through clear and consistent policies that promote transparency and accountability in the sector.

Risk Management in Hydropower Projects in Nepal

Risk management is crucial in hydropower projects due to their high capital costs, long gestation periods, and vulnerability to natural disasters. The Nepali government needs to put in place robust risk management strategies to mitigate the various risks associated with hydropower development, such as geological risks, political risks, and financial risks. This includes conducting thorough feasibility studies, ensuring appropriate insurance coverage, and establishing contingency plans for unforeseen events.


In conclusion, the potential of hydropower in Nepal is immense, and harnessing it requires a concerted effort from both the government and the private sector. By implementing clear and consistent policies and robust risk management strategies, Nepal can unlock its hydropower potential to drive economic growth, alleviate poverty, and contribute to a more sustainable energy future.

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